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In Java, a n-way set associative cache works by dividing the cache into sets, each containing n cache lines. When data is accessed, the cache uses a hashing function to determine which set the data should be stored in. If the data is already in the cache, it is retrieved quickly. If not, the cache fetches the data from the main memory and stores it in the appropriate set. This helps improve performance by reducing the time needed to access frequently used data.

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Q: How does a n-way set associative cache work in Java?
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Can you increase cache memory by allocating memory from static RAM?

"No you cannot. Cache is built into the CPU like 256k or 512k or 1meg.What ever is in your CPU that's what you have. If you want more cache you need to upgrade your CPU. Hope this helps" BLA BLA can with windows 7 manager...or via registry edit....go to register search "secondleveldatacache"and edit in decimal and test cache that you what to use ...i you what to have 2 mb cacahe in a cpu that have only 512k it will work seriosly ;) work to me and other friend that i used this ;) you will fill the performance increse every time you increse the cache to a god level if you increse too much like 8 mega the cpu will slow...see yourself

What is read or write hit?

I think this is probably in the context of IT and data cache technology. Memory works at different speeds: The registers in the processor are the fastest but there are only a few of those. Cache memory is a little slower but there is more of that, system memory is slower still but there is Gigabytes of that. Disk storage is much slower and there is more of that. A read hit means that the information that the processor wants is in the cache so does not need to be read from main system memory. A write hit means that data is in the cache and waiting to be sent to main system memory is being changed again. Because the transfer to main memory has not yet being done the update has not increased the total work to be done.

How does subtype polymorphism work in Java?

Subtype polymorphism in Java allows objects of a subclass to be treated as objects of their superclass. This means that a subclass can be used wherever its superclass is expected, allowing for more flexibility and reusability in code. This is achieved through inheritance and method overriding, where a subclass can provide its own implementation of methods defined in its superclass.

Can PC games be played on anything besides a computer?

This depends on the game. Games created with cross-platform code, like Java or Flash, can run on any supporting device. Otherwise, multiple versions of a game have to made to work on different platforms or operating systems.

What devices are used to get data from the outside world into computer?

ok i now this ......oo yes get ur java get the script seter then download the software of motsarella game o matice take out the bypass cord then hot wire your flat mat det disc to the bace virous cord so that it has a balence of java and frisc downloader..... it should work it did for me de by

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