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Computers and humans differ in problem-solving capabilities in several key ways. Computers excel at processing large amounts of data quickly and accurately, while humans have the ability to think creatively, adapt to new situations, and apply emotional intelligence to problem-solving. Additionally, computers rely on algorithms and programming to solve problems, while humans can draw on past experiences, intuition, and empathy to find solutions.

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Q: What are the key differences between computers and humans in terms of problem-solving capabilities?
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More differences between early computers and modern computers?

Early Computers were large in size while today computers are compacted .Early Computers were Vaccum tube and transistor based while today computers are ICs based.Early Computers were slow and today computers are fast.Early Computers were used punch card for storage while today computers used Secondry storage ( Hard Disk) for storage.Early Computers were not user friendly todays computers are user friendly

What are the main system requirements for usage of Logitech wireless microphone system on PC computers?

To use a wireless microphone you need the software to upload to your pc and a wifi connection with blue tooth capabilities between the pc receiver and the microphone itself.

Why can't you and your buddy share a dive computer?

-because dive computers track your dive profile precisely and small differences of even a metre/few feet can affect time limits. -dive computers also track changing nitrogen levels between dives also

Differences between a computer and human brain?

Some differences between human beings and computers are:Brains are analogue; computers are digitalComputers access information in memory by polling a memory address, brains search memories using cuesThe brain is a massively parallel machine; computers are modular and serialProcessing speed is not fixed in the brain; there is no system clockShort-term memory is not like RAMComputers are hardware that runs software, there is no "mind software" running on brainsSynapses are far more complex (electrochemical) than computer logic gates (electrical)Computers use processors and memory for different functions, there is no such distinction in the brainComputers are designed, built and are of fixed architecture, the brain is a self-organizing systemComputers have no body, brains do

What is the difference between the computers in the 2000s then from the computers in 1800's?


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