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The maximum number that can be represented in an 8-bit system is 255.

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Q: What is the maximum number that can be represented in an 8-bit system?
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What is 8bit?

8-bit is a surrounding of a video game e.g. Mega Man. 8-bit is from the Atari Computer System.

How many bit make up on ipv4 address?

IPV4 is 32bit (4 times 8bit) rgds

What is meant by the terms 'active high input' and 'active low input'?

The term "active low" means that the input on an IC requires a logic low for it to be activated, i.e a low voltage (of course the voltage range is dependent on the technology, TTL, CMOS etc) Active high is the opposite... the input requires a logic high for it to be activated. A simple example to illustrate, an 8bit counter can count UP/DOWN this functionality is controlled with only one pin, an active high on that pin to count up or low to count down.

What is a byte equal to?

Basically, these are the memory units used to represent the memory of the computing devices. Bit Byte (Contains 8 bits) Kilo-byte (Contains 1024 bytes) Mega-Byte (Contains 1024 kilo-bytes) Giga-Byte (Contains 1024 Mega-bytes) Tera-Byte (Contains 1024 Giga-bytes) and so on....

Differences between IPV4 header and IPV6 header?

Figure 1 IPv4 Header Figure 2 IPv6 Header One feature of IPv6 that immediately comes to our mind is huge address space. This refers to the fact that, among many elements shown in Figure 1 and 2, the Source Address and the Destination Address has each been expanded from 32 bits to 128 bits. If you just think in terms of pure combination of numbers, there used to be 232 possible ways to represent addresses, but now there are 2128 possible ways to represent them. However, if you compare Figures 1 and 2 again, you will realize that although IPv6 uses four times more digits to express the addresses of the source and the destination, length of the header has not increased much from that of IPv4. This is because header format has been simplified in IPv6. You can see that among many elements (called "field") shown in Figure 1, those shown in red do not exist in Figure 2. One of the important changes is that there is no Options field in Figure 2. In IPv4, Options field can be used to add information about various optional services. For example, information related to encryption can be added here. Because of this, the length of the IPv4 header changes according to the situations. Due to this difference in length, routers that control communications according to the information in the IP header can't judge the length of the header just by looking at the beginning of the packet. This makes it difficult to speed up packet processing with hardware assist. On the other hand, IPv6 moves information related to additional services to a section called extension header. The part shown in Figure 2 is called basic header. Therefore, for plain packets, IP header length is fixed to 40 bytes. In terms of making it easier to process packets with hardware, you can say that IPv6 can be accelerated much easier than IPv4. Another field that exists in Figure 1 but is absent from Figure 2 is the Header Checksum field. A Header Checksum is a number used to check for errors in header information, and is calculated using the numbers in the header. However, problem with this approach is that header contains a number called TTL (Time To Live), which changes every time the packet goes through a router. Because of this, Header Checksum must be recalculated every time the packet goes through a router. If we can free up routers from this type of calculations, we could reduce the delay. Actually, TCP layer that resides above IP layer checks errors of various information including sender address and destination address. Since performing same calculations at the IP layer is redundant and unnecessary, Header Checksum is removed from IPv6. Figure 1 contains 8bit field called "Service Type". This field is used to represent the priority of the packet, for example whether it should be delivered express or with normal speed, and allows communication devices to handle the packet accordingly. Service Type field is composed of TOS (Type of Service) field and Precedence field. TOS field specifies the type of service and contains cost, reliability, throughput, delay, or security. Precedence field specifies the level of priority using eight levels from 0 to 7. IPv6 provides the same function with a field called Traffic Class. Flow Label field has a 20 bits length, and is a field newly established for IPv6. By using this field, packet's sender or intermediate devices can specify a series of packets, such as Voice over IP, as a flow, and request particular service for this flow. Even in the world of IPv4, some communication devices are equipped with the ability to recognize traffic flow and assign particular priority to each flow. However, these devices not only need to check the IP layer information such as address of the sender and the destination, but also need to check the port number which is an information that belongs to a higher layer. Flow Label field attempts to put together all these necessary information and provide them at the IP layer. However, specifics on how to use it is still undecided. As we have seen in this article, IPv6 aims to provide intelligent transmission framework that is easy to handle for intermediate devices by keeping the basic header simple and fixed length.

Related questions

What is 8bit?

8-bit is a surrounding of a video game e.g. Mega Man. 8-bit is from the Atari Computer System.

What is the largest prime number that can be stored in 8 bit computer?

An 8 bit number is a maximum of 255, the highest prime number less than or equal to this is 251 or 11111011Ans 2.The above is correct for the largest prime storable in a single 8bit storage location.However the question asked what can be stored in an 8bit computer. Anyone working with numbers would tend to program an 8bit computer to use more than one location to store each number.In fact, since we are talking of prime numbers there is a simple, fast algorithm to store primes very compactly, and recover them quickly and easily. 32KB of RAM can hold all the primes less than 95,000 with room to spare for the compaction and decompaction algorithms.A 1GB memory will hold all the primes less than 3 x 1010 .

Can you use ic 7485 as 8bit comparator?

use two of them for 8 bits.

What does Blaster1071 do on YouTube?

He does Let's Plays of Old and Recent 8bit and 32bit games.

How many bits are wide register ACC and B?

32 bit

What are one byte letters?

1 byte = 8 bits. Computers only know two things. On (1) and off (0). This is known as binary. Computers use an 8bit binary system (00000000). The American Standrad Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is an international code that notices that an 8bit character ASCI covers everything that you can type on a keyboard. Therefore a 1byte letter is A to Z.

What is one digit called for short when using a computer?

In binary you mean it is called a bit while 8 digits is called a byte in an 8bit system. 16, 32 and 64 bits can also make a byte.

How many bit make up on ipv4 address?

IPV4 is 32bit (4 times 8bit) rgds

Why are P8 and P9 connectors keyed a certain way?

so they fit correctly into an 8bit or 16bit slot

How many colors possible if 1 bit pixel is used?

One bit is 2 possible colors, black, 8bit has a possible of 256

How many megabytes make one kilobyte?

8bit = 1 byte1024byte = 1kb1,024kb = 1mb1,024mb = 1gb1,024gb = 1tb

What is 8bit do in microcontroller?

This is the data bus width, it defines the largest size numbers the hardware can handle directly (0 .. 255 unsigned, -128 .. 127 signed).