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The size of the largest sub grid within the given grid is determined by the number of rows and columns it contains.

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Q: What is the size of the largest sub grid within the given grid?
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From the given elements, Mg has the largest atomic radius, hence the size.

How many meters in a grid square?

The size of a grid square can vary depending on the specific grid system being used. In general, the size of a grid square is determined by the scale of the map or the grid system itself. The size is typically specified in the map legend or grid system's documentation.

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Probably China.... given their technology - and the size of their population.

What is enlarging and reducing shapes?

Enlarging: When you are enlarging shapes you make it bigger than its normal size but if you were given a grid and your shape or picture was given a gird and if the grids has the same number of squares but the squares in the other gird are bigger, you just need to check the coordinates from your original shape in the grid and draw the other shape in the other gird with the same coordinates. Reducing: You just reduce (make it smaller) the size of the shape but if you were given a grid and your shape or picture was given a gird and if the grids has the same number of squares but the squares in the other gird are smaller, you just need to check the coordinates from your original shape in the grid and draw the other shape in the other gird with the same coordinates. g3

What is the size of a signature photo?

It is a 10 by 10 grid size

How many squares of any size are contained within a grid measuring 9 units by 6 units?

Counting squares whose sides are along the grid-lines, there are 154.

What neutral atoms has the largest atomic size betwee K Al S and Si?

From the given elements, potassium has the largest atomic radius.

What is the T-Totals formula?

T = 5n - (Grid size x 7) - Grid size means how many numbers per line.