1800 L is equal to 1.8 KL
2300 L
1 KL = 1,000 Ltrs. Therefore, 12,000 l is equal to 12 KL.
5.655 kl = 5,655,000 mlTimes 1000 for kl to l. Times another 1000 for l to ml.
5.1 liters is equal to 0.0051 kiloliters
1 KL = 1000 Liters .001 kiloliters is equal to 1 liter.
1,000L is equal to 1km
49 --- 32
You calculate this type of problem by the general rule that 1 KL = 1000 L , so if you have 300 L, you do 300 L multiplied by 1 KL, and then the answer divided by 1000 L, which will equal to 0.3 KL .
2 kl = 200 l
no its equal to 2000 l