0.946 L
There are 1000 milliliters in 1 liter.
One milliliter is 0.001 liter
0.946 liters of fluid equals 946 ml (milliliters). 1000ml = 1 liter.
0.946 L
The density of the 0.946 liters should be given. However, assuming fresh water at room temperature with density 1 gram/cubic cm or 1 gram/ml, then: 0.946 liters = 946 milliliters = 946 grams
One quart is approximately 946 ml.
A bottle of ketchup holds 946 milliliters, not liters.
liter1 US quart = 0.946 L1 litre
It uses 7 quarts of oil and at .946 liters per quart: 6.6 liters.
There are approximately 32 fluid ounces in 946 milliliters.
One US quart is approximately 946 ml. The exact figure is 946.336 ml.
3.1 liters is about 3.59qt