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exactly 14.0

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Q: A box whose volume is 14.0 cm3 would hold how many mL of water?
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How large container would be needed to hold 800g of water?

800g of water would be 800mL of water, so a liter beaker or graduated cylinder could hold that volume of water.

How big is the area needed to hold 25 gallons of water?

Volume is two dimensional and no area can hold 25 gallons of water, however 25 gallons is a volume. Do you mean what dimensions would hold 25 gallons?

Which would hold more water a teaspoon or a millimeter?

A teaspoon would hold more water than a millimeter. A teaspoon can hold around 5 milliliters of water, while a millimeter is a unit of length and does not have a volume measurement.

What is the formula for volume in a rectangle?

The formula is: [ Volume = 0 ].A 'plane figure' has no volume. That's any figure that you can draw on paper,and those can't hold water. It takes volume to hold water, and volume takesthree dimensions.

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volume measurements

3. What type of measurement would you use to describe the amount of water a pot can hold?

volume measurements

What is the greatest volume of accessible water?

beacause the water can hold it

What is the weight of 2.48 cubic yard?

The answer depends on the material whose weight is required.

A jug has a volume of 12000 cm cube how many liters of water can it hold?

It can hold 12 liters of water.

How many gallons of water would a 2 inch by 360 inch pipe hold?

Volume of the pipe = 4.896 gallons

Method used to figure the volume of an irregular object?

Immerse the object in water and measure the volume of water that is displaced. One way would be to fill a container, large enough to hold the object, with water until it is just about to overflow. The container and water would need to be inside another container that could capture the displaced water. Submerge the object in the water and then measure the volume (or weight) of the water that overflows

How much water does a bucket hold?

It depends on the volume of the bucket.