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Q: A shape effect that uses shading and shadows to make the edges of a shape appear to be curved or angled is the?
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magnify glass
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What is wide angled lenss?

It is a lense that is curved so that you can have a wider shot than normal

Would a shadow cast on Earth be straight or curved?

Well, if you had a shadow cast on earth, it would appear curved because the of the Earth's surface is curved

What is an anorthopia?

An anorthopia is an existence of a defect of vision in which straight lines appear to be curved.

How do you draw condensation?

To draw condensation, you can start by sketching the surface or object where you want the condensation to appear. Then, use light, curved lines to depict the water droplets forming on the surface. Add shading to give the condensation a 3D effect and make it look more realistic. Remember to vary the size and spacing of the droplets to create a natural appearance.

Why your images appear thin or bulged out in some mirrors?

When light reflects off a curved mirror, it can cause the image to appear distorted. A concave mirror can make the image appear thinner, while a convex mirror can make it appear bulged out. This distortion occurs due to how the curved surface bends the light rays, impacting the way the reflected image is formed.

Why are wind appear to curve?

Winds appear to curve due to the Coriolis effect, which is a result of the Earth's rotation. As air moves from high pressure to low pressure, it is deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection causes winds to curve instead of moving in a straight line.

What is dynamic line?

they appear to move.these are curved and twisted lines or repeated drawings of slanted lines.

Why do things look bigger through a magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass uses curved glass to bend light rays and make objects appear larger. The curved shape causes the light rays to converge, which makes the object appear closer and bigger than it actually is.

Why do stars appear as faint curved lines on a telescope?

On a good telescope they will not. Otherwise it is probably due to the inferior quality of the lenses.

What is a bending block?

A bending block is a tool used in metalworking to shape metal by hammering or pressing it over the block's curved or angled surface. It helps to create precise bends in the metal without causing damage or distortion.

How does the coriolis effect make oceans currents appear to move?

The coriolis effect makes ocean currents move in a curved path.

What is a curved glass in a microscope that makes objects appear closer?

The curved glass in a microscope that makes objects appear closer is called a lens. Lenses in microscopes help to bend light rays passing through them, allowing the viewer to see magnified images of the specimen. This magnification occurs due to the way the lens refracts or focuses light.