Get a calculator,
Punch in 157,
Divide by 6,
If you get a remainder, the answer is "no".
It should be 26 calculators per classroom and one will be left (you can't have a decimal at answer because you cannot divided a calculator!)
2 trillion dollars divided evenly among 316 million people = 0.006329113924050633
Among the whole numbers, only 1 and 47.
Europe should be divided with power evenly balanced among the major powers
i think the answer is 9
Each radish would receive approximately 3.73 fluid ounces of water when dividing 56 fluid ounces among 15 radishes evenly.
europe should be divided with power evenly balanced among the major powers.
Calculators, among many others.
If the American Government Systems is what you are talking about, then it is divided into the Legislature, the Judicial, and the Executive branches of Government which divides the power evenly among the three branches.
By splitting 55 evenly among three people we get 18.33333.
In a poker game, a split pot occurs when two or more players have equally strong hands, resulting in the pot being divided evenly among them.