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Yes, 2.5km is the maximal operating range of ethernet, or basically 5 repeaters.

Repeaters known as repeaters are cheap but rare, but a switch will do the same

thing...since signal conditioning is part of their basic funtionality.

Beyond 2.5km, you will need a fiberoptic backbone.

If your looking into gigabit, you will need high quality cable and straight runs....but mostly repeaters have to be put in at 100m in a corporation to achieve a full gigabit thoughput, otherwise the switch will reneg down to 100..

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Q: Can the length of an Ethernet be increased to many segments of 500 meter each merely by adding a repeater to connect each additional segment?
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What network devices works at Layer 1 of the OSI model and connects multiple Ethernet segments together?

Physical layer devices would be a hub or a repeater to connect multiple Ethernet segments together.

How would a repeater be used in an Ethernet segment?

Repeaters are usually used in coaxial based ethernet networks. For this purpose they are used to extend the length of a network segment. For example, in a 10base2 ethernet network the maximum length of a segment is 180 meters. A repeater could join two segments together to increase the length of the network and the number of clients in the network. In today's modern networks you will see neither coaxial networks nor repeaters in a LAN. Repeaters are used for DSL transmissions, but not for LANS.

If we can attend the LAN then why we need a WAN?

We can extend LAN by using repeaters. If we increase LAN by using large number of repeaters than this arrangement does not guarantees sufficient signal strength. Each repeater and segment along the path increases the delay. If the delay becomes too large scheme fails. In fact, repeaters are part of the Ethernet standard, which specifies that the network will not operate correctly if more than four repeaters separate any pair of stations. i. If we can extend the LAN then why we need a WAN? ii. How can a bridge know whether to forward frames? iii. Can the length of an Ethernet be increased to many segments of 500 meter each merely by adding a repeater to connect each additional segment? iv. How can a computer attach to a network that sends and receives bits faster than the computer's CPU can handle them?

What is the difference between repeater and router?

A repeater is used to connect the segments of a LAN. A repeater forwards every packet it has no filtering capability. Whereas a router connects Indepentdent LAN's or WAN's , to create a internetwork. A repeater within a LAN does Pulse amplification , Noise filtering and shaping.Whereas router only routes and forwards the packet. A repeater is an electronic device that receives a signal and retransmits it at a higher level and/or higher power, or onto the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. A Router is a network device that mainly used for the tasks of routing and forwarding in the telecommunication and the Internet network. router is divide into segments is called subnets router is used a roting table repeater is just sit on the network ,recieve and boost the signal by sundar.g

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How do repeaters help networks?

A repeater connects two segments of your network cable. It retimes and regenerates the signals to proper amplitudes and sends them to the other segments. When talking about, Ethernet topology, you are probably talking about using a hub as a repeater. Repeaters require a small amount of time to regenerate the signal. This can cause a propagation delay which can affect network communication when there are several repeaters in a row. Many network architectures limit the number of repeaters that can be used in a row. Repeaters work only at the physical layer of the OSI network model. If you more information you can visit website :

What is the 5 repeater rule?

The 5 repeater rule is also called as 5-4-3 rule.The 5-4-3 rule helps network administrators remember how many repeaters they can use in their network without violating the maximum delay limit, which can increase the number of late collisions.The repeater rule states that when extending LAN segments, you can only connect five network segments end-to-end using four repeaters. However only three of those segments can have hosts attached to them.

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