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Q: Can the lvextend command can be used to add additional unused space within a volume group to an existing logical volume?
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How can you increase the logical volume of root file system under Linux opensuse?

Provided you have free space in your volume group: lvextend /dev/LogVol00/VolGroup00 -L +5G resize2fs /dev/LogVol00/VolGroup00 If you cannot do this live, you have to boot a rescue system for it.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of primary and logical partition?

Primary partition:you can install additional Operating system (eg:- windows 8, linux etc.)Logical Partition:Just additional drive which can be used to store additional data/ normal files/ software.

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In my opinion, a person with no pre existing disease history and having sound health, should be a logical condidate for health insurance who should be welcomed with both hands by the insurers.

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It depends on the book, but is usually known as the extended network prefix.

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In the 8086/8088, the logical address (or effective address) is mapped to a physical address by adding it to the left shifted by 4 value of a segment register. For example, is the logical address is 1234H, and the segment register's contents is 5678H, the physical address is 1234H + 56780H, or 579B4H.

How do you measure the primary and logical partitions in Linux?

You can measure the free space and total space of all mounted file systems using the df command.

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Science operates by observing the natural world in an unbiased manner, by logical reasoning and mathematical analysis of those observations, by making and testing hypotheses, by sharing knowledge, by experimentation, by constantly working to verify existing results to see if anything new can be learned, and by building on existing knowledge.

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Warsaw,30.04.2008 Logical division Logical division is inverse logical operation - it is the inverse of the logical multiplication (logical AND). More

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