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You are restricted to the original resolution that was acquired when you took the picture. You can't make it a higher resolution than what was initially taken.

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Q: Can you make a picture a higher pixels per inch?
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What difference does the amount of megapixels a camera has make as you go from the lowest to the highest?

the larger the pixels the more compact the picture is so you dont see the little dots because there are more squares in the picture. so the higher the pixels the better the picture becomes. there are a million little dots in a pixel when you take your picture so if you have 3 pixels 3 million little dots in the picture the better quality.

Can you change the number of pixels on a picture?

You can scale an image to make it larger or smaller, but you can't create pixels out of nothing; if you scale it to have fewer pixels, then you're losing detail, and if you scale it to have more pixels, then you have to guess at the value of the new pixels by averaging nearby pixels. Both of these tend to make the picture look more blurry.

How do you make msn profile picture bigger in pixels?

dubble click the pic

How many pixels to an inch?

There Is No One Answer to Pixels per Inch, However, pixels are different sizes on different displays, so the answer is 58.74 pixels per inch on a 75-inch 4K television, for example, but 440.58 pixels per inch on a 5"-inch full HD smartphone screen.

How big is 256k in picture size?

The 256k does not actually relate to a picture size, just how much data is in the picture. This is how many pixels there are (how many tiny squares of data make up the picture). This means that if you enlarge the picture, the pixels become more apparent (the image looks like it's made up of squares) however the amount of data (k) in the picture has not increased. If you decrease the size of the picture, the same number of pixels remain (but you can't see individual pixels). Only if you crop the picture, some pixels will be deleted so the data content (k) will be smaller. But (k) does not give a specific picture size. Hope that helps.

Which resolution is better on a camera phone 640x480 or 640x360?

640x480 has more pixels, therefore it is sharper. Bigger numbers mean more pixels. More pixels make a sharper picture. 640x480= 307 200 pixels 640x360= 230 400 pixels

What is the best image size for digital pictures?

If you plan to have them on paper, 2 MP (Mega pixels) 1600x1200 Pixels- is good for high quality 4X6 inches picture, or acceptable quality 8X10 inches picture. 3MP (2048x1536 pixels) is good for high quality 8x10 inches picture and acceptable quality: 10 x 13 inches picture If you plan to view then on-screen, or share via email or website, (smaller size take less time to upload), less then 2MP (mega pixels) is better. Reduce the size to 800x600 pixels, 640x480 pixels or 320x240 pixels , because most computers today have a monitor resolution of 1024x768 pixels. Larger than that, means that is too large for the screen and you have to use your mouse to slide the bar up and down, left and right in order to view the complete picture. Rodrigo-Digo

What is display resolution?

Computer monitors (and all displays really) work by displaying a matrix of tiny dots (called pixels) in a grid which make up the picture on your screen. Display resolution is simply the number of pixels your screen is displaying. Example: 800x600 display resolution means that your display is made up of 800 pixels horizontally by 600 pixels vertically. The higher the resolution, the sharper the image appears, and the smaller details can be rendered. Inversely, higher resolution settings can also make text, images, and webpages appear smaller on your screen, possibly making them more difficult to read.

Why are pixels important?

Pixels help to make your image show up better on the screen. More pixels = more detail and accuracy, but the screen is a lot smaller then what you will be actually seeing on a print or a computer so it might be a bit off. +++ That first sentence misses it point. "Pixel" comes from "Picture element", i.e. a tiny square fragment of the picture, so pixels do not help the image to show up, they form the image.

What is the meaning of 399 pixel?

399 pixels refers to the number of individual points of color that make up an image or display across a width of a screen or image. The more pixels there are, the higher the resolution and clarity of the image.

How many pixel in one inch?

Depend on image resolution. You can see image resolution in Photoshop from Image > Image Size. Pixels are just the tiny dots that form images, they are not a form of distance measurement. To demostrate this, take for example a 40 in. TV. That 40 inch TV might contain 1920 x 1080 pixels to make up the screen, but likewise, a computer screen that is only 20 in. can also have the same amount of pixels.

What is the meaning of Mega pixels?

MEGA=ONE MILLION PIXEL=PIcture ELement If you look closely at or examine with a magnifying glass a computer monitor screen you will see that it is made up of lots and lots of tiny dots. Each dot is an element of the picture or picture element - pixel. Each pixel is controlled by a signal from the computer so it can be turned off or on or made to show a colour. In this way a picture can be built up. The more pixels, the more detail in a photo. Low numbers of pixels in a photo will make a blurry looking photo, whilst many more pixels will give a photo which looks sharp, with lots of small detail able to be seen. Cameras are graded on the number of pixels that they can reproduce in a photo. The more pixels, the better the camera [usually!]. A camera with 10 megapixel resolution should take far better photos than a camera with only 6 megapixel resolution.