Yes, in Excel 2007 and higher, you can do a Case Sensitive sort.
See related links for more sort options.
There is a "Sort Option" in Word and Excel that would allow the program to sort by "Case sensitive" (UPPERCASE versus lowercase) criteria. Access ignores the "case" when sorting.
Highlight the cell range you want to sort and click on the sort button. For Excel 2007, it is on the Home menu ribbon in the Editing section (on the right side of the ribbon).
Highlight the cells you want to sort and click on the sort button.
Assuming "XLS" means MS Excel, you can import your XML data to Excel, then filter or sort as desired.
If by "sort out," you mean find and correct, then use the spell checker.
no only data can be sort from the excel sheet.. not in the file
You are able to sort linked data within any Excel document. If an error does occur check each columns formula so there Is agreement.
The Data menu.
Select Custom Sort and add as many sort levels as you like.
The sort feature allows you to look at the same data in different orders depending upon what information you seek. Excel allows you to sort by date, sort by text or numbers, sort by multiple columns, like listing values from highest to lowest or names in alphabetical order.
The sort button is on the Home tab. I am not aware of a group button in Excel.
The Sort feature.