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Q: Define What type of quantity the cubic meter measures?
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What type of quantity does the cubic meter measures?

a cubic meter measures volume. (ex. how much water in a cylinder.)

How do you convert meter to cubic meters?

You don't. Metre measures length, cubic metre measures volume.

What quantity do you think a meter stick measures?


How do you calculate the quantity of sand in 1 cubic meter?

"1 cubic meter" is a perfectly good 'quantity'. If the 'quantity' you want is the weight instead, then you need to know a unit weight or density for sand, in order to convert a volume to a weight.

How many bricks in a cubic meter?

That depends of the measures of the bricks

How many cubic meter is equal to 1 meter?

None - it is nonsense to try.A cubic meter is a measure of volume.A meter is a measure of length.Volume and length are measures of two different things.

How much GP2 quantity will come in 1 cubic meter?

2200 kg

How do you calculate cubic meter to SQM?

Cubic meters and square meters aren't even the same kind of quantity.

Can volume measurement in liters or cubic meters?

Cubic meters and liters are both measures of volume, usually related to liquid volume.

Define energy meter?

The meter constant represents the number of pulses will generated per hour nothing but after n number of pulses the meter reading is incremented by one.Read more: What_is_the_meter_constant_of_energy_meterAnswerAn energy meter measures the quantity of energy used by an installation. It does this, by monitoring the supply voltage and the in-phase component of the installation's load current.

Cement quantity in m10 per cubic meter?

4.50/bag cement, required for 1 cubic metre of concrete ( M10).

What does air flow meter do?

Measures the amount of air to flow past the meter in cubic feet (CFM) or meters (CMM) per minute.