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Q: Do larger notebooks run cooler than smaller ones?
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How much do apple notebooks weigh?

Apple notebooks typically weigh between 2-4 pounds, depending on the model and screen size. The smaller models like the MacBook Air tend to be lighter, while larger ones like the MacBook Pro can weigh a bit more due to additional features and a larger screen.

Do smaller laptops overheat easier than larger ones?

Yes, smaller laptops are more likely to overheat than larger ones.

Is the thousandths place smaller or larger than the ones place?

Larger. See which number is larger 1,000 [Thousands place] or 1 [Ones place]

Are horizontal bottle coolers more energy efficient than vertical ones?

Whether a wine bottle cooler is more energy efficient depends on the brand, size, and how many watts the cooler uses. Smaller wine coolers, whether it stores the wine horizontally or vertically, are typically more energy efficient than larger ones.

What is it called when the biggest planetesimals grow the fastest and the smaller ones get destroyed?

The process by which the larger planetesimals grow even larger, while the smaller ones are destroyed, might be called planetary accretion.

Smaller streams or rivers that flow into larger ones?

It is a tributary

What reactions are where larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones?

The reactions where larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones are called catabolic reactions. These reactions release energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones, such as carbohydrates being broken down into glucose through processes like hydrolysis. Examples include digestion, cellular respiration, and the breakdown of glycogen in the liver.

Why are some smaller planet is heavier than the bigger ones?

some smaller planets are more dense then the larger ones that are made up of mostly gases.

Metabolic process that breaks down larger molecules into smaller ones?


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What of reaction builds larger molecules from smaller ones?

Anabolic Reactions

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