Fluid ounces is a measure of volume. The other ounces are a measure of mass. Two fluid ounces of Mercury is going to weigh a lot more than two ounces.
16 oz
2 qt (US, liquid) = 64 fl oz
To convert fluid ounces to liters, you can use the ratio 1 fl oz = 0.0296 liters. Therefore, 2 liters is equal to approximately 67.6 fl oz. So, you would need to drink about 68 16.9 fl oz bottles to equal 2 liters.
2 fl oz is less.2 fl oz is less.2 fl oz is less.2 fl oz is less.
9 FL oz plus 9 FL oz is equal to 18 FL oz.
No, 16 fl oz is equal to one pint, while one quart is equal to 32 fl oz.
One tablespoon is 15 gm . That is a tiny bit over 1/2 a fl.oz.
16 fl oz = 2 cups.8 fl oz = 1 cup.
2 Pints (UK) is equal to 40 Fluid oz (UK)
2 pt
That is 1,152 fl oz.
That is 24 fl oz.