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Q: Does celery absorb food coloring the best in 1 cup of water with 1 tbs of salt 1 tbs of sugar or just water?
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How long does it take the celery to absorb food coloring?

It depends on how much food coloring you are trying to absorb, and how big the celery is. If you have a small stick of celery and a lot of food coloring, it will most likely take about a week or so for the celery to completely absorb the food coloring. When the color of the water and the color of the celery switch places, it is fully absorbed. I will be doing this experiment myself to see how long in days, minutes, and seconds it takes, but if you have any more questions, try it!

What happens to celery in cold water with food coloring after 30 minutes?

After 30 minutes in cold water with food coloring, celery will start to absorb the colored water through its vascular system. The food coloring will travel up the celery stalk, gradually dyeing it in the process. It creates a simple and visually appealing science experiment to demonstrate how plants absorb water.

How does the celery absorbs the food coloring?

The xylem tubes, tubes that suck up water and minerals in a plant, in the celery plant suck up the food coloring which to the tubes, is water. The tubes then just spread the water/food coloring to other parts of the celery.

Why does celery with leaves absorb more water than celery without leaves?

most plants absorb more water through their leafs

How does salt water suger water and plain water absorb celery?

Salt water and sugar water are hypertonic solutions, meaning they have a higher concentration of solute than inside the celery cells. This causes water to move out of the celery cells, leading to wilting. Plain water is a hypotonic solution, so water moves into the celery cells by osmosis, making the celery more firm and crisp.

What will celery absorb faster warm or cold water?

Celery will absorb water faster in warm water because the molecules of warm water are more energetic and can penetrate the celery cells more quickly. This allows for quicker absorption of water by the celery.

Which flower is going to change with food coloring first flower or celery?

The flower will change faster because of the way water is transported through the stem. The celery will take longer as it will absorb through soaking, not through pulling it up through the stem.

What effects do leaves have on water movement in a celery?

the affects they have are that since the leaves have the green coloring, the blue water mixes with the green for the celery to be produed.

Does cold or hot water absorb faster with celery?


How does food coloring changing the color of celery?

The food color is absorbed by the celery from its roots, whatever color you put in the water affects the color of the celery.

Do sugar and food coloring dissolve into oil?

Sugar dissolves better in water than in oil because sugar is hydrophilic, meaning it has an affinity for water. Food coloring is typically water-based, so it will not dissolve in oil but rather float on top of it. Oil is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water-based substances like sugar and food coloring.

How do energy drinks differ from water?

energy drinks are loaded with sugar Gatorade if you look at the ingredients is sugar water and water coloring