A cubic foot is a cubic foot is a cubic foot... If you are referring to ask for a given equal mass of water and diesel fuel: The specific gravity of #2 diesel fuel is about 0.89, depending on the quality. The specific gravity of a liquid is the ratio of it's density to that of water. Since the specific gravity of diesel is less than one, it is less dense than water. Conversely, diesel is more voluminous than water. It will float on top of it. The answer to this question is that for an equal mass of water and diesel the latter will occupy more volume.
3.2 cubic feet of water is about 24 (23.9376623) US gallons of water.
One gallon of water displaces 0.134 cubic feet of space.
There are approximately 7.48 gallons in 1 cubic foot. To convert 2000 gallons to cubic yards: 2000 gallons / 7.48 gallons per cubic foot = 267.38 cubic feet. Then, to convert cubic feet to cubic yards: 267.38 cubic feet / 27 cubic feet per cubic yard = 9.91 cubic yards.
50 liters cubic space in square feet
A cubic gallon of water occupies one cubic foot of space, which is equivalent to about 7.48 gallons.
how do you convert cubic feet to inches
226 cubic feet of space = 1,690.6 gallons of space (rounded) even of there's no water in it. It could be full of air, maple syrup, or motor oil, or it could be completely empty. It's still 1,690.6 gallons of space.
12 cubic feet of space = 89.766 gallons of space (rounded)
3,000 gallons of space = 401.042 cubic feet of space.It doesn't matter what's in the space, or if it's empty.
(25 cubic feet) - (20.7 cubic feet) = 4.3 cubic feet
40 cubic feet.
ten gallons is about one and a third cubic feet, so I would say that 30 gallons is about 4 cubic feet