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No. The mass doesn't change, so the weight doesn't change either.

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Q: Does weight change when water freezes?
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Why does water change into ice?

because it freezes

When water freezes it change?

When water freezes, it turns into what we call ice. ice is a solid. no offense, but um stupid question.

What would change for which freezes faster hot or cold water?

Hot Water

Is it physical or chemical when water freezes at 0 degree celsius?

When water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius, it undergoes a physical change. This is because the molecules in water rearrange themselves into a solid structure without any change in their chemical composition.

Water freezes at o degree chemical or physical change?

Freezing is a physical change.

How does water change to solid?

when water freezes, it becomes a solid, it's called 'Ice'.

Does salt water or fresh water freezes faster?

Fresh water freezes at 32°f (0°c) at sea level. Sea water freezes at 28.4°f (-2°c) at sea level. Salt water depends on the concentration of salt. At maximum saturation salt water (23.3% by weight) freezes at -5.98°f (-21.1°c).

When water freezes into solid ice is it a physical change or a chemical change?

This is a physical change. It's still water, just in solid form.

When water freezes it a physical change or chemical change?

Physical!Ice is H20(s) and Water is H2O(l)

How does the volume of a kilogram of water when change when it freezes?

The volume of a kilogram of water will decrease when it freezes. This is because water expands as it freezes, leading to a larger volume of ice compared to the same mass of liquid water.

What happends to water in a rock a it change from liquid water to ice?

It does what all water does when it freezes: expands. This will crack the rock.

Does ice undergo a chemical change when it freezes?

No, ice does not undergo a chemical change when it freezes. Freezing is a physical change that causes water molecules to slow down and come closer together, forming a solid structure with the same chemical composition as liquid water.