For each category, you should have an observed value and an expected value.
Calculate (O-E)2 / E for each cell.
Add the values across the categories.
That is your chi-square test statistic.
you may calculate
You can open a 2007 Excel spreadsheet with Excel 2003 if you save the file in Excel 2007 using "Save As" and select the 2003 compatibility mode.
You can interrogate data in Excel 2007 by using the filter and sort options in Excel. This re-organizes the data in a way that makes it easy to analyze and evaluate the data.
In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.In Excel 2003 there are 256 columns. In Excel 2007 there are 16384 columns.
It is called Microsoft office excel 2007
the normal extension for Excel is xls if pre 2007 otherwise xlsx
The differences between them are not extensive so you can work in Excel 2010 easily if you are familiar with Excel 2007. You can save your files so that Excel 2007 will recognise them.
For a standard Excel document, prior to Excel 2007, it is xls and xlsx is used in 2007. There are other kinds of files created by Excel, like templates which can be xlt or macros which can be xlm and xla for Add-ins, and there are other extenions. For 2007, you add x to the end of them.
.xls for the lower version If you are using the Microsoft Office 2007, it's .xlsx
Not necessarily. Having a good understanding of Excel 2003 will help in using Excel 2007. The main difference is the look, but the fundamentals are the same as it is still a spreadsheet, so it has to be able to do things that spreadsheets do, like with the formulas and functions. As those things are much the same, then you could use Excel 2007 without having ever used Excel 2003. Users of Excel 2003 would find Excel 2007 a little strange at first because of how different it looks, although they would quickly get used to it. Someone who has never used Excel 2003 won't have that problem.
No. The condition of a cell can be either true or false.
The SUMIFS function was introduced in Excel 2007.