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Q: How do you calculate the complex number using fx991ms?
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A complex number a + bi, can be represented as a 2x2 matrix: [a -b] [b a ] or [a b ] [-b a ] , just keep the same notation throughout your work. See the wikipedia article on Complex Numbers, and the related link for some more information.

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you answer me

How do you calculate root of any complex number using casio Fx 991MS calculator?

Not sure about the Casio, but most calculators which have capability to handle complex numbers should be similar. Input the complex number according to however you normally do that, then raise to a power. In the case of roots, you want to raise to a reciprocal power: Square root is 0.5 power, cube root is 1/3 power, fourth root is 0.25 power, etc

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How do you calculate root of any number using casio Fx 991MS calculator?

3 simple steps. i) press square root button ii) enter the number iii) hit "=" is it really that hard to figure out? ...... For complex numbers, refer to the definition of a complex number (abs(a)*exp(-j*angle(a)))1/2 = sqrt(abs(a))*exp(-j*angle(a)/2). therefore to do this on the casio fx-991ms try the following(assuming the complex number is stored in the ans): (sqrt(abs ans))[angle symbol]((arg ans)/2) added by Greg ......

Is there any way to calculate the absolute value of a complex number that equals a negative number?

Given that absolute values are always positive, and that there is no equivalence between complex numbers and real numbers, I would have to say no, there isn't. The absolute value of a real number is its distance from zero on a number line. Since a distance is always positive, we say the absolute value is always positive. Graphically, a real number is just a point on a number line. The absolute value of a complex number is its distance form the origin in a coordinate plane, where coordinate axes are the x-axis with real numbers, and the y-axis with imaginary numbers. In this diagram, called Argand diagram, a complex number a + bi (where a and b are real numbers) is the point (a, b) or the vector from the origin to the point (a, b). Using the distance formula, the absolute value or the distance of a complex number a + bi is equal to the principal square root of (a2 + b2).

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Number of coils of what? Maybe wire in an electromagnet? Please resubmit the question with more detail.

How do you do order of operations in math?

In arithmetic's, it is good to calculate complex sums using the BODMAS order. Work on the items in Brackets and then proceed to do Of, Division, Multiplication and any Subtraction tasks.

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yes i could

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