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Islam teaches us if we make enough for our sustenance and have a lil more extra bugs, we can give this to the poor and the needy in order that they for whom the daily bread butter/dal roti is tough, they can benefit from it

its simple to calculate zakat if you live in the US like me then as per RTT news

price of gold in US as of may 2011 is 1530 USD for 1 ounce , now as per the sunni system if ur wealth is worth 85 grams of gold or more then zakid is compulsory on you so in order to know who qualifies for zakat and who deserves it is done via gold by most as :

converting 1 ounce into grams , 1 ounce = 30 grams so the math would be something like :

1530usd ------ 30 gms

x usd--------85 gms

so x = 1530 *85/30 = 4335 so if u make more then 382 dollars of saving an year in America , 2.5 percent of ur annual saving has to go to zakat , so say of the 40000 dollars u saved 1000 dollars at the end of the year then ur zakat is :

(ur fixed assets + annual earnings saved)*2.5/100 = 25 so u are obliged to give this money to make ur money pak of the evil spiritually inshallah this benefits the seeker if any

salam walaikum WA rehmatuallah he WA barakatuhu

Read more: What does Islam teach us about Zakat

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