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Q: How do you complete skill set 6 game 1 on first in math?
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How do you get bonus 6 on first in math?

You have to complete the first skill set of 6

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How do you use a cheat so you can complete the skill sets on first in math?

There are no cheats on the skill sets. I can't even finish game 3 on skill set 2. I am also looking for cheats for skill sets, but I found out that there are no cheats for the skill sets. Sorry.

How do you unlock into the vortex on first in math?

You will have to complete game one of skill set eight. Or, you can go to a link.

How do you get into the vortex in first in math?

You have to finish Game 1 of Skill Set 8 to get "Into The Vortex".

How do you beat skill set 5 game 3 on first in math?

you just guess it ?

How do you get the most points in first in math?

I complete all the skill sets i can and do equal time and equal pay.

How do you do the first in math skill set 4 game 3?

i dont know im asking you!!

Give you a sentence of skill?

He had a lot of skill at the game. Her skill with math made her the top of the class.

Is Mahjong a math game?

Yes, it is because it requires math skill. So, yes, it would be considered as a 'Math Game.'

How do you get more bonus games on first in math the onilne game?

You have to beat the skill sets to get more games. It is super dumb

How do you unlock pundis puzzles on first in math?

go to skill sets then play till you get skill set four on skill set four game one you'll have to play it still game one is over then go to bonus games and go to 1-4 and u will unlock it