

Best Answer

Once you look up the conversion factor, it is just a matter of multiplication.

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Q: How do you compute metric conversion factors?
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Why study metric system?

The study of metric system and units are important as it give a simple conversion factors. Metric units always goes by the powers of 10 that the calculations becomes easier to deal with than imperial where the conversion factors differ by its units.

What do you use to convert customary units and metric units?

You use conversion factors.

Metric to english conversion?

Metric to English conversion is a good thing to practice.

What is English metric conversion?

First, there is no "English". Second, there are hundreds on conversion factors between the near-obsolete (conventional) and metric systems. For mass alone, for example, there are conversions from grain to milligram, ounce to gram, pound to kilogram, stone to kilogram, hundredweight to kilogram, Imperial ton to metric ton. There are more that these.

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Where can one find a printable metric conversion chart?

One can find a printable metric conversion chart on most rulers or in calculators that include manual books with conversion charts. Printable metric conversion charts can be found in most encyclopedias well -- they can be photocopied.

What is the definition of metric converison?

"Metric conversion" refers to the change from English units of measurement to metric units.

What is the metric conversion of length?

The basic unit of length in the metric system is the meter.

What is an example of a conversion factor?

a conversion factor is a number that converts units of one system of measurement to another (usually by multiplication)examples: (conversion factors in brackets)lengthinches (*25.4)= millimetresmiles (*1.609)= kilometresweightlbs (* 0.4536)= kilogramstons/imperial(*1.016)= tonnes/metric

How to compute for volume of cargoes in metric tons?

To compute the volume of cargoes in metric tons, you need to know the density of the cargo in metric tons per cubic meter. Then, you can multiply the volume of the cargoes in cubic meters by the density in metric tons per cubic meter to get the weight in metric tons. The formula is Weight (in metric tons) = Volume (in cubic meters) x Density (in metric tons per cubic meter).