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Q: How do you create calculator using ARM processor?
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Which microprocessors are used in mobile phones?

ARM ARM 11 332 MHz processor Intel XScale PXA270 processor

What processor is used by many notebook computers and tablet PCs?

ARM processor

What is processor used in manual quadrocopter?

Any ARM or Cortex based processor will do. We use ARM based processor because it is energy efficient and power available on the Quad rotor is limited.

Does HTC Explorer have Armv7 Processor?

yes it is arm v7 with snapdragon s1 processor

What is diff between arm processor and micro controller?

arm is a latest version of microcontroller

Why ARM is called as processor?

ARM is a processor architecture that incorporates a few different types of microprocessor that isn't built on the x86 protocol. They are called processors because they ARE processors.

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How do voluntary muscles create movement?

An example of using voluntary muscles is when you lift your arm. You have decided to do this action.

What is full form of LPC in arm processor?

low pin count

What is the process found in a cellphone?

Most mobile phones use an ARM chip as the processor.

When is an arm mortgage calculator used in banking?

An ARM mortgage calculator is used when you have an adjustable rate mortgage instead of a fixed rate mortgage. It is recommended that you get a fixed rate mortgage to avoid sudden spikes in your monthly payment.