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All you can do with mass and volume is to determine the density of the substance.

density = mass / volume or p=m/v

after you determine the density, you can look on any density table and find the substance you are looking for.

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Q: How do you determine the identity of an unknown substance by observing its mass and volume?
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How can density be used to determine the identity of a substancce?

Density can be used to determine the identity of a substance by comparing the density of the unknown substance to the known densities of different substances. Each substance has a characteristic density, so if the density of the unknown substance matches that of a known substance, it can help identify the unknown substance.

What properties do scientists look for to identify an unknown substance?

Scientists look for properties such as density, boiling point, melting point, solubility, conductivity, and reactivity to help identify an unknown substance. By comparing these properties to known data in a database, scientists can often determine the identity of the unknown substance.

Name several properties of matter that help you identify an unknown substance?

Density, melting point, boiling point, color, odor, solubility, and conductivity are important properties of matter that can aid in identifying an unknown substance. By comparing these characteristics to known data in reference tables, scientists can determine the identity of the unknown substance.

How do forensic scientists use titration?

Forensic scientists may use titration to analyze chemical compounds found at crime scenes, such as drugs or poisons. By titrating a known substance with an unknown substance, they can determine the concentration or identity of the unknown substance. This information can then be used as evidence in criminal investigations.

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A mixed melting-point determination is a technique used to determine the purity of a solid compound by mixing a known pure sample with an unknown sample and observing the melting point of the mixture. If the melting point of the mixture matches that of the known pure sample, it suggests that the unknown sample is pure as well.

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Can density be used as identification for substances in lab?

Yes, density can be used as a useful property for identifying substances in lab experiments. By measuring the density of a substance and comparing it to known values, scientists can help determine the identity of an unknown substance.

How did you determine the identity of the unknown materials?

Using many methods of chemical and physical analysis.

What is meant by a characteristic property of a substance?

A characteristic property of a substance is a unique and specific attribute that is inherent to that substance and helps to identify and distinguish it from others. These properties remain constant regardless of the amount or form of the substance and can be used to determine its identity.

How to use stoichiometry determine the concentration of a substance?

To use stoichiometry to determine the concentration of a substance, you need to first balance the chemical equation for the reaction involving the substance. Next, determine the moles of the known substance and use the balanced equation to relate it to the moles of the unknown substance. Finally, calculate the concentration of the unknown substance in terms of moles per liter based on the volume of the solution.

How can a titration help you to determine the concentration of an unknown substance?

In a titration, a known concentration of a substance (titrant) is added to the unknown substance until a chemical reaction reaches completion. By measuring the volume of titrant required to reach a specific endpoint, the concentration of the unknown substance can be calculated using the stoichiometry of the reaction.