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First, find the area of each 2-D face of the figure, then add those up.

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Q: How do you determine the volume of surface area of three dimensional space figure?
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What is the surface area of a quadrilateral?

Well it matters if you put it in a 3-dimensional or a 2-dimensional figure because if you turn it into a 3-dimensional figure the the surface would have a flat surface with volume and area.If you draw a quad in 2-D then the figure you draw is the surface.

What is the formula to find volume of a trapezoid?

The trapezoid is a plane figure which has surface Area, but no volume but if there was a 3d figure your equation would be. The Surface Area of a trapezoid = ½(b1+b2) x h X Height of figure.

What is the volume of a figure when the surface area is 294?

The surface area of a figure does not provide enough information to determine its volume. Indeed, it does no even determine its shape.The volume can have any positive value up to 474.018 cubic units.The surface area of a figure does not provide enough information to determine its volume. Indeed, it does no even determine its shape.The volume can have any positive value up to 474.018 cubic units.The surface area of a figure does not provide enough information to determine its volume. Indeed, it does no even determine its shape.The volume can have any positive value up to 474.018 cubic units.The surface area of a figure does not provide enough information to determine its volume. Indeed, it does no even determine its shape.The volume can have any positive value up to 474.018 cubic units.

What is the enclosed surface of a figure called?

If it's a 3 dimensional shape then it is volume otherwise it is surface area

How do you work out volume of a flat surface?

To calculate the volume of a flat surface, you need to determine the area of the surface multiplied by its thickness or depth. This will give you the volume of the flat surface.

To find the surface area of the three dimensional figure you must find the perimeter of a face and then multiply by the height?

NO. This is the way to get the volume of a prism, not the surface area of any three-dimensional figure. To find the surface area of a three-dimensional figure, you must find the area of each of its faces and then add the side-areas together.

How many measurements does a 3 dimensional figure have?

Five. Length, width, height, surface area, and volume

What is the volume and surface of a three dimensional figure if you used 96?

What is meant by 96? Need more information!

What is a two dimensional figure?

A two dimensional figure does not have volume or depth such as flat surfaced polygons.

What does volume measure in a 3 dimensional figure?


What is the amount of space within a three-dimensional figure?

it would be the figure's volume

What is the volume of trapezolde?

A trapezoid is a 2-dimensional figure and so its volume is zero.