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AnswerOk when you get in the car, push in the clutch and the brake at the same time. Start the car. Then put the car in 1st gear. Let off the brake, and slowly let off the clutch while giving a little gas. The car will start to roll. When you are up to speed and hear the car is ready to switch gears to 2nd gear(which wont be long after 1st) push in the clutch at the same time as you let off the gas and then pull the shifter down to second. slowly let out the clutch again while giving it gas. Once it "catches" you're good. After practice, stick shift will be second nature to you. Some advantages to having a manual car is that it gets slightly better gas mileage than an automatic and its more fun to drive. Also repairs are generally less expensive and none of your friends can jack your car because they all don't know how to drive a manual and you do. Answer
  1. Push in the clutch, make sure the car is in neutral. Start the car.
  2. Holding the clutch, put the car in first and let off the parking brake.
  3. Slowly, very slowly release your foot from the clutch as you simultaneously apply the gas. If your car has a tachometer, you should hold the gas at around 2000 RPM.
  4. You should start to move. Don't let the clutch completely out until you are going a good speed.
  5. When you get going a little faster and your engine starts revving up, push in the clutch. Shift into 2nd.
  6. Again, slowly release the clutch as you give it some gas.

TIP: When you're starting up on a hill, and someone is behind you and you dont want to roll back into them, apply the parking brake. Hold the brake lever in your right hand, keep the button depressed. Slowly let it down as you start to move.


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14y ago
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13y ago

It's quite easy.

1.) get in car

2.) buckle seatbelt (srry it is the law)

3.) turn on car

Congrads! you got the easy part done!

ok now the hard part. you press down on the clutch til u can move the stick put it in first gear. (if you are in a driveway with the stern to the street then put it in reverse) pull off the clutch SLOWLY and press on the gas LIGHTLY it shouldn't even feel like u r pressing on it. then you r moving press on the gas till u r going the speed limit. to shift u get to 4000 rpm (this is what a automatic does) then hold the clutch quikly move the stik to the next speed. when u shift down wait till u stop to shift into first again.

im not a teacher nor pro nor driver my aunt taught me so if this doesnt help go to a profesional.


wow, 4K shifts...

i shift at 3500 under heavy acceleration, and usually shift at 2500-3000 rpms.

but im easy on my cars most of the time, and they last seem to last much longer like that.

don't kill your engine, when all else fails use the dumby light most cars come with now a days

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14y ago
Tips for driving stickAhh... with lots of hands-on practice. No amount of reading and writing about it will get you there. Find somebody who is willing to mentor you while they are sitting in the front passenger seat. And find a big empty parking lot, with nothing in it that you could crash into! (Make sure you have your license and the car's registration, too.) More detail

It would be best to have a friend who knows how with you. The shift pattern is an H. The gears are at the tips of each leg of the H 1 3 R 2 4. You must push down the clutch to change gears (left foot only)! You should not be pushing on the gas when you push the clutch. When the shifter is in place release presure off the clutch and push easy on the gas. When your speed gets faster do it again for each gear until your moving as fast as you need. This takes some practice. You may not like a stick shift at first, but it's a lot of fun when you get use to it.

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