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Click Start, All Programs, Accesories, and Calculator should be there. If not, look it up on, and download it. Have fun!

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17y ago
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14y ago

By clicking the start button, then all programs, then accessories, then calculator.

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12y ago

Umm i dont think there is one on your compuer but on an ipad or i touch there is

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Q: How do you find a calculator on your computer?
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How do you find if a number is divisible by 7?

Get out calculator and divide the number by seven. If you can use a computer, use the calculator on your computer.

Can i get a calculator?

If you have a computer, you already have the calculator that is part of the computer's program.

What is 50x5?

250(how about use the calculator on your computer next time if you can't find it out? This is like baby stuff, easy without a calculator!)

Answer to 154.92 plus 79.7?

a calculator is a very useful tool... 234.62 you can find it on your computer click the menu, all programs, accessories, and calculator

Why is it computer called computer not calculator?

It is known as computer rather than a calculator as the calculator performs functions with numbers whereas; a computer performs functions with not only numbers but encoding of computer language.

Is there a adding machin on your computer?

yes you mean calculator. yes a calculator is there in the computer.

What can you times to get to 245?

You can times 49 and 5, use the calculator on your computer to find other combinations.

When you are doing computer vs calculator what can only the calculator do?

There pretty much the same thing, a calculator is a computer and a computer calculates things so i cant really answer that question.

How do you find a over b?

You first find the values of a and b and then do the division - if necessary, using the calculator that comes as part of your computer.

What computer can do?

A computer is actually an improved calculator.

why a calculator is a computer?

it is part of a computer program

Compare computer and calculator?

The only thing alike between a computer and a calculator is that you can use both to complete math problems. A computer is much more advanced in technology and you can do many things on a computer that you cannot do on a calculator.