

How do you find your BMI?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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11y ago

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The easiest way is with a BMI calculator or chart. You first need to know your exact measured weight and height. You can use metric or US measurements on most charts. These are available at different sites online. Good calculators (for adults and children) are available at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. See the related question in the related questions section for more information on finding BMI charts and calculators.

What is BMI? From the CDC:

"Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems."

As an alternative, you can mathematically calculate this yourself in various ways. Here are some methods provided by contributors:

Get your height in metres.

Divide this by your weight in kilograms.

Divide your answer by your weight again.

This will give you your BMI.

take your weight, multiply by .45 then take your height in inches and multiply it by .025 then square the result. divide the product of your weight by the product of your height and youll get a number.

ex: weight: 100 lbs height: 67 inches.

100x.45= 45 and 67x.025=1.675 1.675x1.675=2.806

45 divided by 2.806= 16.037 which rounds to a BMI of 16.

The calculation for BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.


or you can just use a free calculator.

Use an online calculator or if not, these sums:

For Imperial

BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches x Height in inches ) ) x 703

BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters x Height in Meters ) )

BMI=weight in kilograms/(height in meters)2

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BMI= weight (kg) divided by height2 (m)

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Anyston Keller

Lvl 1
1y ago
I want ed to know the BMI for box and whisker plots so this was not helpful or I just don't understand can you fix this

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Where can I find a BMI calculator online? is the perfect website to calculate an individuals BMI. It takes into account a variety of factors including height and weight to give an accurate BMI result.

Where can I find a BMI calculator designed for children?

This site has a great and very explanitory chart about the bmi ranges

Where can I find info on healthy bmi online?

The Center for Disease Control at discusses the details of what your BMI should be for your weight, activity level, and age.

Are BMI index calculators reliable?

Yes BMI index calculators are very reliable. You can find information about them at the following or

How do I calculate my BMI index?

You can find step by step directions on how to calculate your bmi at or for a free calculator visit

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these are the multiple sites that describe the BMI chart with future plan suggestions for a healthy life that is.

Bmi test free on online?

Just go to Google and type in: free bmi calculator. You should find lots of websites to pick from!

How do you find out if your overweight over the computer?

Look up a BMI generator.

How can one learn to read a BMI chart?

The BMI (Body Mass Index) charts are used to find where your height and weight intersect on the chart to indicate your BMI. Or you can use this easy calculator on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) site, where you can also find more information on why the BMI calculations are useful. (see link to site below).

Where can one find a BMI calc website?

If you want a large wall chart, do a browser search for "BMI chart" and you will find a number of places to obtain one.Alternatively, see the page link for a BMI chart, further down this page, listed under "Related Links."The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an online calculator for BMI for adults and one for teens and children that are very easy to use and are capable of using either English or Metric height and weight for the calculations. See the Related Links below for those pages.

Where might one find a BMI calculation tool?

One can find a BMI calculation tool on the Web MD website. It allows one to calculate their body mass index and find out if they are overweight. One can also be found on the NHS website in the UK.

What is considered underwieght for a 5'9 male?

124 pounds or under. To find out if you are underweight, go to this link: This is a proven calculator. BMI stands for body mass index and will tell you if you are of the proper weight. I was able to find out it was 124 pounds or lower because when I put in 125 pounds, the BMI came out to be '18.5', which is the lowest BMI you can have without being underweight. For a more trusted method, try to find a BMI calculator on a website that ends in '.gov', not '.com' because it is sponsored and proven by government scientists.