type this:
@echo off
title Calculator
echo Welcome %USERNAME%, Type a number.
set/p one=
echo Type the sign. (+,-,*,/)
set/p two=%one%...
echo And type the last number.
set/p three=%one%%two%...
set/a final=%one%%two%%three%
echo Total:
goto hom
then save as a batch file
Using HTML Codes
we can align text using notepad by by going to the font option
You can use notepad to open the source code file again. Open the folder it is in. Right click on it and pick Open With and choose Notepad. If you are using Internet Explorer, you can go to the View menu and pick View Source and it will open it in Notepad. When you make your changes, save the notepad document. Don't close it in case you want to make further changes. Return to the browser and refresh the page and the changes will be updated
Using notepad++, or notepad, or anything that can read uft-8.
You can use Notepad to write HTML pages, and HTML consists of tags. So you would be writing a lot of tags when using Notepad to create a HTML page.
Making an executable file in notepad is like trying to write a song in notepad. If you were to view an .exe in notepad all that you would see is a jumbled mess of numbers and symbols. However, if you really wanted to you could write a program using a programing language like C# or Pascal in notepad and later convert it to an executable. Here is to show part of an exe file looks like in notepad. ô㄀YY¸pL㄀é㄀㄀¿”dK㄀Wh˜dK㄀´$㄀㄀èíûÿÿWh°d
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
Notepad files aren't something that just pop up on your system. You have to make them through the program called Notepad, which can be found at Start>All Programs>Accessories>Notepad. Once you have made the notepad document, you can save it somewhere on the computer, and then it is an editable Notepad file.
No. However, alike anything else in life. If you use a calculator for everything, then the most remedial calculations may become hard to do without a calculator. It is good practise to do without a calculator where possible
When you next try to open them, they will open in a browser by default so that you can see what the page looks like. You can still open them using Notepad to make any changes you want.