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Q: How do you put a line over a alphabet letter?
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What is the name of the line which the Hindi alphabet is put on?

what we call our alphabet in the English language the Hindu language uses what they categorize their alphabet to be is the Devanagari which is made up of horizontal lines over certian letters.

Can you put the word precede in a sentence?

The letter "a" precedes the letter "b" in the alphabet.

All of the letters of the alphabet except for the Z are printed above or below the line where does the Z belong?

z was actually thrown out of the alphabet by the greeks. When it was put back in the alphabet they just put it last.

How do you write Korean alphabet?

The Korean alphabet was invented in the fifteenth century and has roots in the Chinese alphabet. Each sound is represented by a symbol or letter., which are put together to form words.

Which letter of the alphabet is reflection of the letter b?

The letter 'd'. Take a piece of paper, draw the letter 'b' on it and put it in the mirror and see what letter it makes!

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How can you put an letter with a bar over it in a PowerPoint document?

Probably the best way is to go in and draw a line where you want it. You can then group the text box with the line so if you move the box, the line will move with it. If you edit the text, though, the line will not move with your 'over-bar' text.

How do you put a tilde above a letter in the alphabet?

You have to reconfigure your keyboard to the Portuguese idiom. English doesn't use tilde.

What comes before r in the alphabet?

R is number 18 on the alphabet.

Why is z the last letter in the alphabet?

Our alphabet, called the Roman alphabet, was based on the older Greek alphabet. In Greek, the letter z is the sixth letter. But when the Romans borrowed the Greek letters to form their own alphabet, they didn't need the z, because they didn't have a z sound in their language. Later, many Greek words came into use in the Latin language. So the Romans brought back the z in order to write Greek words, and put the z at the end of their alphabet.

How do you put the line over roman numerals to signify thousands in Microsoft Word?

You can try improvising, use a line and put it over the roman numerals.

How do you put a line on the top of the letter n?

_ like that N