400 miles
Most likely a 350 cubic inch or 400 cubic inch engine
If 400 miles is represented by 1 inch, then 2.5 inches represents 2.5 x 400 = 1000 miles.
400 = 202
400 metres
1 micron = 0.00004 inch
Write it as in the question!
400 micrograms can be written as "400 mcg" or "400 ยตg".
You would need 2,451 feet of 2-inch pipe for 400 gallons.
400 thread count means that the weaving loom wove the threads together so tightly that there is 400 threads in every inch of fabric. Usually designated 400 TPI (threads per inch).
when 1 inch = 400 miles then 2.5 inches = 2.5 x 400 = 1,000 miles