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Binary is a counting or numbering system with only 2 symbols - "0" and "1". When ever we count something, we start with nothing or "0". This is an important fact that is common between all numbering systems. We always start with 0 things and add from there. This is important because if all numbering systems didn't have this specific starting point, we could not translate between them.

The way binary works is this: starting with nothing we have "0", then we add one object to get "1". If we add another object, we force an overflow into the next column like this: "12 + 12 = 102" then "102 + 12 = 112"..."112 + 12 = 1002"

This is the same thing that happens in any numbering system. When the symbols are all used in the first column, adding another object forces an overflow into the next higher column of power. In Decimal, we are used to "1010" following 9, as in 9+1. In binary, there are only two symbols, so it overflows to the next higher column rather fast. The following is how we count in binary with four bits (Binary Digits)...

















"1111" is the max count for four bits. In order to count another object, we have to use the next higher column... 10000.

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13y ago

The binary code is used for computers xx

As binary has only two states 0 and 1, it lends itself well to be controlled by switches, which have only 2 states, on and off.

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10y ago

computers understand binary only as the system programmed in all computers only have the ability to understand the numbers 1 and 0.

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12y ago

1's and 0's

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What numbering system do computer use?

They use the binary code (1010101011001100)

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A computer's binary code is made up of 0 and 1

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The oldest computer language is machine code and all computer languages are binary encoded. It's unavoidable on binary machines.

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It is known as the binary code.

What is the purpose of binary codes?

A Binary code is a way of representing text or computer processor instructions by the use of the binary number system's two-binary digits 0 and 1.So the purpose of binary code is to issue human readable code, changed to machine code (binary) that the computer understands and can execute the instructions.

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Binary code, zeros and ones.

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Computers transmit information in binary code (also called "Machine Code") and then the computer's Operating System takes that binary code information and displays it in the language that the operator has chosen for it to be displayed it. All computers, regardless of language or country, use the same machine code.

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Binary code

What is an explanation of the binary code?

every computer has binary. You cant see it. It is full of 0's and 1's. But every computer has a different code.

What is computer version of Morse code?

Computer don't have Morse code. They use something called Binary Code. It uses 1s and 0s for the letters whereas Morse code uses dots and dashes.

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When you program a computer to do something then you use what is known as a higher level language. For the computer to run the program it must first convert your program into binary so the computer can do the work. That work is done by either sending an electrical signal or not sending an electrical signal through the computer. When the computer has finished running the program it then has to change the binary system it uses into the higher level language you use so you get the answer you want

What is a binary code?

Binary code is a language used in computer programming and is made up entirely of ones (1) and zeroes (0).