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The volume of a cube is L3. The volume of a sphere is 4/3 π r3 . If L=2r, Vcube=8r3. Comparing the volume of the cube with a side 2r and a sphere with a diameter of 2r where the r's are equal gives us:

Vcube/Vsphere= (8r3)/(4/3 π r3 ) or (8x3)/(πx4)

As π roughly equals 3 the equation simplifies to:


or a cube with its side equal to the diameter of a sphere has a volume approximately twice that of the sphere.

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Q: How does the volume of the cube compare to the volume of the ball?
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The volume of a cube is determined by cubing the length of one edge, so the cube root of the volume will give you the length of an edge. (In a cube, all of the edges are the same length)

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The volume of a cube depends on the length of its edges. The formula to calculate the volume of a cube is V = s^3, where s represents the length of one side of the cube.

How do you figure the length of a cube if you know the volume?

Cube root its volume