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The Binary code represents all data in 0s and 1s by using a combination of these.

Each number system and digital data like characters and other symbols can be represented in binary by a common conversion method for each system.


Decimal number 12 is binary number 1100.

this is obtained as [1*(2^3) + 1*(2^2) + 0*(2^1) + 0*(2^0)]

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Q: How is digital data represented by the binary code?
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that's correct.the binary digits are transformed into radio waves then sent.the receiving process does the opposite: radio waves are received and transformed into binary digits

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z= 011001

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it is a sequence of 1s and 0s. (binary) :)

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Binary code is not a device. It is a numerical representation of data.

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in a digital format, in binary.. you know the whole 0010101010010101000101011110101010100010101010 thing. In facft everything on your comptuer is represented like that.. everything you see on your screen is millions of 0's and 1's

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Binary to Analog, Analog to Digital.

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Binary Data

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2.In Digital there are only two type of value used Even or odd 1 or 0 0 or a None of the above?

In a computer data is represented as a series of usually binary digits. In the binary system the only numbers/values used are 0 and 1.