169 US ounces equals 5 liters. 169 UK ounces equals 4.8 liters.
5L = 169 US fl oz
1 ton 48 oz = 2,003 pounds.
48 ib
48 oz 1 pint = 16 oz 1 ounce = 0.06 pint
That is 6 cups.
There are 16oz in a pound, with this information I now expect you to work this out for yourself. How many 16s are there in 48?
48 oz
288 tsp 1 oz = 6 tsp 1 tsp = 0.16 oz
8 oz 1 oz = 6 tsp 1 tsp = 0.16 oz
there are 16 oz. in one pound. so if you do 16 x 3 it equals 48. so the answer to this question is that there are 48 ounces in a pound.