1 dram= 3.697 ml
A minim is a unit of capacity, not of mass. In the United States, it is equal to one sixtieth of a dram, or 0.0616 millilitres, rounded to three significant figures. In the United Kingdom, it is equal to one twentieth of a scruple, or 0.0592 millilitres.
One fluid dram equals 3.7mL
16 dram equals 59.15mL.
1 dram = 0.003 906 25 pound
There are two crotchets in one minim.
4 quavers = one minim
An inch is a unit of distance. A dram is a unit of capacity. The two units are therefore incompatible.
3.7mL per dram.
15.95 Rupees is 1 dram.
1 dram = 27.34 grains.
1 dram = 1.3671875 scruples