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If you drink 4 16.9 ounces of bottle water then you passed you're daily intake which is good.

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Q: How many bottles of 16.9 oz of water do you have to drink to equal 8 glasses of water?
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If you drink 3 700ml bottles of water does this equal 10 glasses of water?

If you drink 3 700ml bottles of water does this equals 10 glasses of water. In total you will have taken 2.1 liters of water.

How many bottles of water does a person need to drink to get the 6-8 glasses of water a day?

drinking three 20 Oz bottle will make up 7.5 glasses of water,

How many water bottles and glasses of water should you drink a day?

6 Cups of water a day. A water bottle usually has 2 servings a bottle, so 3 water bottles.

How many bottles of Oz water you have to drink to equal a gallon?

The answer depends on the size of the bottles.

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If you are suppose to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day how many bottles would you have to drink if the container holds 700ml?

well, id say about 5-7 700ml bottles a day.

How many bottles of 16.9 fl oz water equals up to a gallon?

9.5 bottles equal one Imperial gallon.

You drink 20oz of water a day how many glasses does that equal?

2 1/2

How many bottles of water you need to drink for 80 ounces?

You would need to drink approximately 5 bottles of water to reach 80 ounces, as the typical water bottle contains 16 ounces.

How many bottles of water should an average person drink in a day?

The standard recommendation has always been 8 glasses of water a day. A normal glass is probably 14-18oz. So, if the bottles are 20oz, then 5-7 bottles would fulfill the recommendation.

How many 700 ml bottles of water must I drink to equal 64 fluid ounces?

You would need to drink approximately 2.72 bottles of 700 ml water to equal 64 fluid ounces.

I have .5 liters of water and must drink one quart of water a day. How many bottles do I have to drink to equals on quart I think the answer is ten .5 liter bottels will equal one quart. Am I right?

You are close, but not quite correct. One quart is equal to approximately 0.946 liters, so you would need to drink about two 0.5 liter bottles to equal one quart of water.