1ml = 1cm3 = 1cc
1 US tablespoon is = 14.7867ml
1 metric tablespoon = 15ml
1 Imperial tablespoon = 17.75817ml
Generally, tablespoons and teaspoons used for cooking are not the most accurate. If you were to measure the volume of liquids with a graduated cylinder, you may find variation with different spoons available on the market.
However, in the pharmacy, one tablespoon is equal to 15 cc (or 15 mL). (One teaspoon is equal to 5cc or 5 mL).
There are 14.7 ml in a tablespoon (US).
There are 17.7 ml in a tablespoon (Imperial/UK).
There are 20 ml in a tablespoon (AU).
Centimeters is a measure of length, while tablespoon is a measure of volume. However, if you multiply centimeters three times, getting "centimeters cubed" (cc) that will also be a measure of volume. One table spoon is equal to 15 mL, and one mL is equal to one centimeters cubed. Thus there are 15 cc in a tablespoon.
A tablespoon equals a tablespoon, by definition.
1 standard Teaspoon is 5 millilitres (which is the same as 5 cubic centimetres).However, in old measurements, 1 Teaspoon [UK] = 3.5516328125 cubic centimetres and 1 Teaspoon [US] = 4.9289215938 cubic centimetres.
Centimetres and centimetres are the same unit. Therefore, 3.8 centimetres is equal to 3.8 centimetres.
1 tablespoon equals a tablespoon.
How many milligrams of metamucil are in a tablespoon?"
that is approximately 1 tablespoon.
There are 15 ml in a tablespoon.
Centimetres and centimetres are the same measurement. Therefore, 916 centimetres is equal to 916 centimetres.
The length in centimetres multiplied by the width in centimetres will give you the area in square centimetres.
70.10400 centimetres
12.7 centimetres.