2 milliliters is equal to 2 cc's (cubic centimeters). It is also equal to 0.002 liters, or about 0.4 US teaspoons.
2 cubic meters of volume = 2 million cubic centimeters
1 teaspoon is 4.92892159 milliliters or 4.92892159 cubic centimeters. 1 tablespoon is 3 teaspoons or 14.7867648 milliliters or 14.7867648 cubic centimeters. Only 1 cubic centimeter or 1 milliliter of pure water weighs 1 gram. 2 milliliters or 2 cubic centimeters of pure water weigh 2 grams. 1 teaspoon of pure water weighs 4.92892159 grams and 1 tablespoon of pure water weighs 14.7867648 grams.
7580 cubic centimeters = about 2 US gallons
A 2 liter bottle contains 2000 cubic centimeters. This conversion is based on the fact that 1 liter is equal to 1000 cubic centimeters. Therefore, to convert 2 liters to cubic centimeters, you would multiply 2 by 1000.
2,000,000 cu cm
Those are incompatible measures
2 tsp
2,000 mm3
1 cubic meter = 1 million cubic centimeter 2 cubic meter = 2 x 106 (or 2 million) cubic centimeters
15cc (cubic centimeters) is a measure of volume equal to 15 milliliters or about 1/2 fluid ounce.