360 (cubic inches) = 5.89934304 liters or what is commonly called a 5.9 Liter.
There are approximately 5.9 liters in 360 cubic inches.
Square feet does not equate to volume.
The Ford 360 cubic inch is also called a 5.9 liter
A 5.9 liter engine is equivalent to approximately 360 cubic inches. The conversion factor is 61.02 cubic inches per liter.
They do not directly convert. Cubic feet is a measure of volume while square feet is a measure of area.
36 inches X 360 inches X 4 inches = 30 cubic feet.
120*360*1 = 43200 cubic inches
To determine how many cubic feet of concrete are needed, you first need to know the depth of the concrete slab. For example, if the slab is 6 inches thick, you would multiply 360 square feet by the thickness in feet (6 inches = 0.5 feet) to get 180 cubic feet of concrete required.
5 ft x 6 ft x 12 ft = 360 cubic feet
15 x 24 = 360 square feet. How deep is the pool? You need that to determine cubic feet of that area.
5.9 liters, 360 cubic inches, V8 engine.