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(60-cm x 60-cm x 30-cm) x (1 inch/2.54 cm)3 x (1 foot/12 inches)3 = 3.814 foot3(rounded)

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Q: How many cubic feet in 60 cm x 60 cm x 30 cm?
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How many cubic yards will it take to fill a area 60 feet by 30 feet 6 inches deep?

6 inches = 1/2 foot.27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard60-ft x 30-ft x 1/2 ft = 900 cubic feet = 331/3 cubic yards

How much water for one inch of rain over a 30 feet by 60 feet?

259200 cubic inches or precisely 150 cubic feet

How many cubic feet is 60 gallons of water?

Eight (8.02083) cubic feet per 60 US gallons of water.

What is the cubic feet of 60 x 30 x 32?

57600 cu.ft

How many square feet are in 60 cubic feet?

infinitely many, because a square feet is a surface and a cubic feet a volume. since a surface has no volume you can fit infinitly many in a cubic feet.

How many cubic inches in a 60 gallon tank?

1 cubic feet equals 7.48 gals. So 60 gallons equals 8.021390374 cubic feet. 1 cubic feet equal 1728 cubic inches. The answer would be 13,860.96256 cubic inches in a 60 gallon tank.

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(6ft x 5ft x 2ft) = 60 cubic feet

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The number of bushels of wheat in a 60 cubic feet area would depend on the density of the wheat. Bushels measure volume, so you would need to know the weight of a bushel of wheat to accurately determine how many bushels would fit in a 60 cubic feet area.

How many yards of cocrete is needed for a 2ft thick slab 60'x60'?

27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard60' x 60' x 2' = 7,200 cubic feet = 2662/3 cubic yards

How many square feet are in a room that measures 60 x 30?

60 x 30 feet? 1800 sq feet.

How do you convert 12 feet by 15 feet by 4 inches deep into yards?

12*15*.33333= 60 cubic feet. 60 cubic feet/27 cubic feet per cubic yard = 2.222 cubic yards

How many liters are there in 60 cubic feet?

Approx 1699 litres.