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Density(0 °C, 101.325 kPa)

5894 g,cm−3Liquid density atb.p.3.057 g·cm−3

volume Xe gas/liquid ~ 518.66

~28.3 litres / cu. ft

518,66/28.3 ~ 18.3 cu. ft

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Q: How many cubic feet of xenon gas can be obtained from 1 liter of liquid xenon?
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Related questions

How is xenon obtain from?

It is obtained by fractional distillation of liquid air.

How do humans get the element xenon?

Xenon is obtained as a byproduct of separating and purifying air, where it is present in trace amounts. It can also be extracted from certain minerals or as a byproduct of nuclear fission reactions. Commercially, xenon is typically obtained through fractional distillation of liquid air.

How is xenon obtained?

Xenon is obtained through the fractional distillation of liquid air. It is present in the Earth's atmosphere in trace amounts and can be extracted by separating it from other gases using processes such as cryogenic distillation or adsorption. Xenon is a byproduct of some industrial processes, such as the production of oxygen and nitrogen.

What color is liquid xenon?

Liquid xenon is colorless.

Which one of the following is not obtained by the fractional distillation of water he or xe or ne?

Xe (xenon) is not obtained through the fractional distillation of water. Xenon is a noble gas and is typically obtained through the fractional distillation of liquid air. Water can be fractionally distilled to obtain gases like hydrogen and oxygen, and neon can also be obtained through fractional distillation processes.

How is Xenon mined?

Xenon is obtained as a byproduct of the cryogenic separation of air. During this process, xenon accumulates in the liquid oxygen fraction and is then extracted by fractional distillation. It is a rare, inert gas and must be collected from the atmosphere or from the waste gases of certain industrial processes.

Where is Xenon found today and how is it obtained?

Xenon can be found in the Earth's atmosphere in trace amounts. It is obtained through the fractional distillation of liquid air, where it is isolated as a by-product. It can also be extracted during the processing of certain ores, such as those containing uranium.

What countries are the main sources of xenon geographical distribution of ores?

Xenon is obtained from the atmosphere, not from ores.

Chemical symbol for xenon?

The symbol for xenon is Xe. It is obtained from the first two letters of the element.

What is more dense liquid xenon or solid xenon?

Solid xenon is more dense than liquid xenon. Solid xenon has a higher density because its particles are closely packed together in a solid state compared to the more spread out particles in its liquid state.

How can you find xenon?

Xenon is a noble gas found in trace amounts in the Earth's atmosphere. It can be obtained through fractional distillation of liquid air, where it is separated from other gases through differences in boiling points. Xenon can also be extracted from certain mineral sources, such as stibnite.

Is Xenon a stable liquid at 0 degrees Celsius?

No, xenon is a gas at room temperature and pressure. It does not exist as a stable liquid at 0 degrees Celsius.