1573.11 ccs
One cubic inch is 16.387cc > Therefore, 121.9 cubic inches = 121.9 x 16.387 = about 1997.6cc
1,200 cc is 73.23 cubic inches.
There are approximately 384 cubic centimeters (ccs) in 13 ounces.
3.8 =3.8 liter =3800cc /equilavent 235 cubic inches. common sense needed here!
Since each cubic inch is 16.387064 cubic centimeters, you can just multiply 16.387064 x 80 = 1310.96512 (CCs) So Eighty Cubic inches is about 1311 CCs, and yes that's a big motor, about 1.3 Liter. I think I once had a Ford Escort (car) that was powered by a 1.8 Liter motor, but that was a 4 cylinder.
That's equivalent to 213 cc (cubic centimetres)
There are approximately 1582 cubic centimeters.
A few tricks, first and foremost to get the specific answer with the specific given information of 90 Cubic Inches-A cubic inch is 16.387064 cubic centimeters, (CC)-you multiply 16.387064 x 90(your Cubic Inches of motor) = 1474.83576 (CCs)Or if you know that you have a 1.5 Liter Motor, as according to your factory build OEM Manual, you can take the decimal point to the right three times to equal 1400 (CCs) .... so 1.5(L)=1500(CC)s -This is of course not the engineering spec but rather A close estimate usually given to the consumer.
A few tricks, first and foremost to get the specific answer with the specific given information of 88 Cubic Inches -A cubic inch is 16.387064 cubic centimeters, (CC)- you multiply 16.387064 x 88(your Cubic Inches of motor) = 1442.061632 (CCs) Or if you know that you have a 1.4 Liter Motor, as according to your factory build OEM Manual, you can take the decimal point to the right three times to equal 1400 (CCs) .... so 1.4(L)=1400(CC)s
There are approximately 37.2 ounces in 1100 cubic centimeters (ccs).