The measure of volume: "a pint" is 0.4731764736 liters or 473.1764736 milliliters or 473.1764736 cubic centimeters.
ANSWER Do you mean milliliters or millimeters ? :) If you mean millimeters - it must be cubic millimeters 1 pint = 473176.47 cubic mm If you mean milliliters - 1 pint = 473.176 milliliters
1 US pint = 0.473 liters 1 Imperial pint = 0.568 liters
A pint is a liquid or dry measure of sixteen ounces, 0.454 kilograms of weight, about 35 cubic inches, and is half of a quart. For liquid, a British pint is equal to 0.568 liters and a US pint is equal to 0.473 liters. For dry, a US pint is equal to 0.5506 liters. In some areas (such as Great Britain), "a pint" refers to a pint of beer.
There are approximately 28 cubic inches in one pint.
1 pint is about 0.4732 liters, so it's roughly 2 liters to a pint.
One pint is about 473,200µl
The liter is more than 2 US pints. 1 US pint = 0.473 liters. 1 Imperial pint = 0.568 liters.
There is no such unit as "cubic litre".
There are 28.3168 liters in 1 cubic foot. A cubic foot is used to measure the volume of a substance.
One cubic foot is about 28.316 liters.
365 liters is 12.9 cubic feet.