I presume you are referring to water. A cubic meter of pure water at +4degrees C weighs 1000 kg and is the basis of the definition of a metric tonne.
This equality is only true at +4degrees Celsius, when pure water is at its highest density.
source: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=How+many+cubic+nanometers+are+in+a+cubic+centimeter&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&fp=9b1c6ebfff7f9103
En quelle saison est ton anniversaire? in French means "In what season is your birthday?" in English.
ton frère [a / a eu] une bonne note en français = your brother [has / had] a good mark in French
ton bien-aime is pronounced like this: tOn Bee-en aim. i think.
One liter is 61.02 cubic inches: 4.8 x 61.02 = 292.896 cubic inches.
Comment dit-ton cette phrase en français?
Ton Jorna has written: 'Van aandacht en adem tot ziel en zin' -- subject(s): Biography, Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Jewish women, Westerbork (Concentration camp)
juste en haut de ton filtre a air
Quel est ton mot préféré en français?
This is in triple meter. Oh my | dar-lin' oh my | darlin' oh my | darling clem-en | tine_ you were | lost and gone for | ever dredful |sor-ry clem-en | tine_
If you mean the verb, then use "caber."