This is not a valid conversion. Cubic units is a measure of volume while square units is a measure of area. Generally, volume is determined by multiplying length x width x depth. Area is normally determined by multiplying length x width.
You cannot compare square feet, which represents area, to cubic meters, which represents volume.
To convert cubic meters to square feet, you need to have a third dimension. But if we assume that the height is 1 meter, then 3.7 cubic meters would be approximately 39.8 square feet.
This is not a valid conversion. Square feet is a measure of area while cubic meters is a measure of volume.
Square feet and cubic meters are two different units of measure. Square feet measures area (2-dimensional) while cubic meters measures volume (3-dimensional). To convert square feet to cubic meters, you would need to know the height of the space in feet. Without the height, it's not possible to accurately convert square feet to cubic meters.
5.5 cubic feet = 0.156 cubic meters.
26 cubic meters is 918.181 cubic feet.
5.012 (cubic meters) = 176.997 cubic feet.
100 cubic feet = 2.83 cubic meters
12 cubic meters = 423.78 cubic feet.
39 cubic feet equates to about 1.1 cubic meters.
38 cubic meters equates to 1,341.96 cubic feet.
23 cubic meters = 812.24 cubic feet (rounded)