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Cubic meters CANNOT equal any square measurement

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Q: How many cubic meters are there 5120 sq ft?
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100800 cub ft is how many meters?

100,800 cubic feet equates to 2,854.34 cubic meters.

How many cubic meters is 125 cubic feet?

Answer: 125 ft³ = 3.53960 m³

How many cubic meters are in cubic feet of propane?

1 cubic foot is approximately equal to 0.02832 cubic meters.

What is the volume in cubic meters into ft?

As follows: cubic meters x 35.3147 = cubic feet

How many cubic meters are in your 24ft by 24 ft by 5 ft pool?

The correct answer to your question is "None, because I do not have such a pool." 24 ft * 24 ft * 5 ft = 2880 cubic ft = 81.55 cubic metres, approx.

How many cubic meters in 55.8 cubic feet?

55.8 cu ft = 1.581 cu metres.

.96 cubic meters equals cubic ft?


What is the cu meters of 90 sq meters with an average dept of 4 ft?

First you need to determine how many meters is equivilent to 4 foot. 4 ft = 1.2192 meters Then you multiply that by 90 sq. meters to determine the cubic meters. 1.2192*90 = 109.728 The answer is 109.728 cubic meters

How many cubice meters is 3300 cubic feet?

Answer: 3300 ft³ = 93.4455 m³

5 ft cubed equal how many meters cubed?

5 cubic feet = 0.14158 cubic meter (rounded)

How many cubic meters has ft containers?

By unit of volume and conversion ,we can say that 1 m 3=35.3146667 ft 3

1950 cubic ft equals how much cubic meter?

1,950 cubic feet equals 55.22 cubic meters.