1 TMC = 1 Thousand Milling Cubic feet = 109 Cubic feet 1 TMC / Sec = 109 Cubic feet / Sec = 109 Cusecs
1 TMC = 1 Thousand Milling Cubic feet= 109 Cubic feet1 TMC / Sec = 109 Cubic feet / Sec= 109 Cusecs (from How_many_cusecs_equal_to_one_tmc_of_water)Read more: How_many_cusecs_equal_to_one_tmc_of_water
One cubic foot per second (cusec) is equal to approximately 0.001 acre-feet, so 1,000 cusecs would equal 1 million cubic feet (mcft) of water.
0.028317 m3s-1= 1 cubic
one cubic meter is 35.3 cubic feet
35.315 cubic feet.
None. 1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet
1 (cubic meter) = 35.315 cubic feet.
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet 1 cubic foot = 0.037 cubic yard (rounded)
If 1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet, then 4 cubic yards = 108 cubic feet.
1 cubic foot is equal to 1 cubic foot.